

Quality is a benchmark for us

The top priority in the development, planning and manufacture of our products are the requirements of the customer or the market, which must be met and, if possible, surpassed. To this end, the requirements of all interested parties are systematically analysed, documented and incorporated into ELSOMA’s development and optimisation projects.

ELSOMA’s quality standard applies to all processes in the company, starting with product development, which we define together with our customer, through on-time delivery to competent customer service. All aspects of the customer-supplier relationship are subject to the uniform goal of convincing the customer through our striving for the best products and the best service. The processes in our company are continuously reviewed and subject to constant improvement.

ISO 9001:2015-certification

We underline our own quality standards with the DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certification, which is a matter of course for us. It defines an orderly company with planned process flows and a structured organisational structure, and with which we focus on meeting customer requirements as well as normative and legal requirements. The certification creates worldwide confidence in the quality and performance of our products and services. It also documents our striving for quality through the increased transparency of our processes.

Sie interessieren sich für unsere Produkte?
Sie möchten mit uns gemeinsam nach einer Lösung
Ihrer Aufgabe suchen?
Dann schreiben Sie uns. 
Wir freuen uns auf einen konstruktiven Austausch!

Hinweise zur Datenverarbeitung erhalten Sie in unserer Datenschutzbestimmung.

Are you interested in our products?
Would you like to work with us to find a solution to your problem? Then write to us.
We look forward to a constructive exchange!

You will find information on data processing in our privacy policy.